2025 Kairi Orgusaar RECIPE FOR HARMONY

“ Art would be useless if the world were perfect, as man wouldn’t look for harmony but would simply live in it.”
/ Andrei Tarkovsky /

The author says:
“I’m trying to find the recipe for harmony. For this purpose, I’ve developed a world made up of fantastic creatures, swinging in beams of light, casting shadows and reflections. These entities have but one language to express their emotions – that of colours. Joy, pain or arousal get projected as hues and shades of their skin.
Since glass is the medium giving them form, they’re partially transparent, seemingly immaterial, submerged in water – as if they’ve been transported from some lost continent, like Lemuria.”

Kairi Orgusaar graduated from the Estonian Academy of Arts, painting department (B-A. 1995) and glass department (M.A. 2002). She’s been participating in exhibitions home and abroad since 1996. She’s a triple laureate of the Estonian Cultural Endowment’s regional award. Her works can be found in the Ernsting Stiftung Alter of Herdingi collection, Germany, in the Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design, and in private collections. In 2002, she founded her studio OÜ Kunivorm, and is the founder and board member of the Rapla County Centre for Contemporary Art since 2010.

Kairi Orgusaar is an artist working primarily with painting and glass. Her powerful sculptural glass forms and installations take on a poetic, delicate appearance with the addition of light. She is mostly intrigued by topics both intimate and timeless, but won’t turn her back on simple play and fantasy. She keeps returning to the theme of environment, and its interaction with the subject; harmony and dissonance, connections and influences.

Design: Kati Kerstna
Thank you for assistance:
Cultural endowment of Estonia and its Rapla County Experts’ Group, Tartu Art Hall, Merle Kannus, Herbert Orgusaar, Tiina Kõrtsini