International Year Of Light closing ceremony / event Merida, Mexico, February 3-6 th, 2016.Cultural centre EL OLIMPO, “Light For The Peace”.

Näitus Mehhikos kollane

International Year Of  Light organizing committee selected via international competition 15 artists to make their solo exhibitions at the International Year Of Light Closing event/ ceremony Merida, Mexico, February 3-6, 2016.

Näitus Mehhikos sinine

Mery Crystal Ra about her glass-light interactive exhibition thoughts: “It is easy for us to imagine an instance in which the invisible meets the visible. Imagine a beam of light, which is normally invisible, striking a reflective surface and bouncing into our eyes. The light that was invisible is now visible. From our perspective as observers, it has been transformed. Now please imagine an instance in which the invisible meets the invisible. Imagine light striking glass. If the glass is perfectly transparent, it is virtually invisible. When a beam of light strikes it, we will have no way of knowing”.

Näitus Mehhikos publik

Meeli Kõiva aka Mery Crystal Ra is one of the few artists in the world who has skillfully clued together the handwriting of the artist with the most modern unique innovative glass, lighting and video technologies.

Meeli Koiva (Mery Crystal Ra) is a globally renowned light-glass artist and innovator. She’s one of the winners of the 2013 and 2014 Light In the City / Northern Light, European light artists competition. She has been an innovator and a visionary in the field of light / glass art for the last 30 years. A pioneer in combining glass and light to create extraordinary works of art, she creates highly imaginative and novel pieces in Europe and in the US for private residences and public buildings. Even before the Light art boom of the last 30 years she was a trailblazer and source of influence in light art, reshaping the space and surface of structures. She has created glass-light sculptures for the European Parliament main building exhibition in Brussels, Belgium (2006) and Glaston Corporation headquarters in Finland, Tampere (2012), interactive glass-light meditation exhibition at the International Year Of Light 2015 closing event in Mexcio, February 2016. She is a speaker / keynote speaker, having made presentations at the universities, seminars and conferences. She is creative director at Crystal Energy Ltd. in Helsinki, NYC, Paris.

International Year Of Light closing ceremony Pogramme:!register/c1yjy

FILM about speech and exhibition:     TV2:

An article, Postimees:

February 5 th 2016, programme at the academic conference:!friday-5-feb/c22ny

Twitter photo galleries from International Year Of Light closing ceremony:

Twitter:Arte Y luz:Meeli Koiva aka Mery Crystal Ra:luz,cristal, luminosidad infinita.Clausura: