The international exhibition of unique glass and theoretical seminar VITRUM BALTICUM V are held for the fifth time from November 24, 2011 to January 9, 2012 in Kaunas and Klaipeda, Lithuania.

636First organized in 2000 as a glass exhibition of the Baltic countries, VITRUM BALTICUM has eventually developed into a solid Baltic-Nordic glass art project which at least partially fills the gap of big glass art exhibitions in these countries and is held every three years. The event helps to understand the changing view of modern art glass, reflects the main tendencies and priorities of today‘s glass art and assesses the position of glass art in the Baltic sea area.

The aim of this year’s exhibition VITRUM BALTICUM V. IMAGE MEMORY is to expand the limits of glass, a distinctive and specific media, by presenting professional glass works in harmony/connection/interaction with photography. Using glass and photography, the artists are motivated to share with the audience the inspirations of their creation process and the result. It is, therefore, requested that exposed glass object is creatively reflected in art photographs. It is also preferred that photo techniques were used in glass
compositions as well.

Estonian artists Sofi Aršas, Peeter Rudaš, Mare Saare and Maret Sarapu participate.

The exhibition will be displayed in the Kaunas Photography Gallery 24.11–9.12.2011 and later the Klaipeda Culture Communication Center Exhibition Hall 16.12.2011–9.1.2012.

For additional information please contact:vitrumbalticum [at] gmail [dot] com
